Exponential Lower Bounds for Some Restricted Depth Five Powering Circuits


S. Chillara, C. Engels, B. V. R. Rao, R. Saptharishi and K. Sreenivasiah


April 15, 2017

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Suryajith Chillara, Christian Engels, B. V. Raghavendra Rao, Ramprasad Saptharishi and Karteek Sreenivasiah

Publisher Information

  • Journal: Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science (accepted)


Depth five powering circuits are arithmetic circuits of the form \Sigma\wedge\Sigma\wedge\Sigma where \Sigma and \wedge represent gates that compute sum and power of their inputs respectively. Such circuits compute polynomials of the form \sum_{i=1}^t Q_i^{\alpha_{i}}, where each Q_i is a sum of powers of linear polynomials. These circuits are a natural generalization of the well known class of depth three powering circuits (\Sigma\wedge\Sigma circuits). In this paper, we study the complexity of some restricted classes of depth five powering circuits that compute the monomial x_1x_2\cdots x_n. The restrictions we study are on the fan-ins of the \Sigma and \wedge gates (denoted by \Sigma^{[a]} and \wedge^{[d]}) while the bottom \Sigma gates compute homogeneous linear polynomials.

We prove size lower bound of 2^{\Omega(n)} against the following classes of depth five powering circuits that compute the monomial x_1x_2\cdots x_n.

  • The \Sigma\wedge\Sigma^{[m]}\wedge^{[\ge d]}\Sigma_{\text{Hom}} circuits where d\geq 8 and m< \frac{0.29n}{d^2}2^{0.955d}.
  • The \Sigma\wedge\Sigma^{\{r\}}\wedge^{[= d]}\Sigma_{\text{Hom}} circuits where r < \epsilon\cdot d is the rank of the linear forms under that sum gate, \epsilon >0 is a constant and d\geq 8.

From this, we infer that the monomial can be computed by a \Sigma\wedge\Sigma^{[=2^{\sqrt{n}}]}\wedge^{[=\sqrt{n}]}\Sigma_{\text{Hom}} (or a \Sigma\wedge\Sigma^{\{=\sqrt{n}\}}\wedge^{[=\sqrt{n}]}\Sigma_{\text{Hom}}) circuit of size 2^{O(\sqrt{n})} but any \Sigma\wedge\Sigma^{[\leq 2^{0.955\sqrt{n}}]}\wedge^{[\ge \sqrt{n}]}\Sigma_{\text{Hom}} (or a \Sigma\wedge\Sigma^{\{\leq \epsilon\sqrt{n}\}}\wedge^{[= \sqrt{n}]}\Sigma_{\text{Hom}}) circuit computing it must be of size 2^{\Omega(n)}.

Our results show how the fan-in of the middle \Sigma gates, the degree of the bottom powering gates and the homogeneity at the bottom \Sigma gates play a crucial role in the computational power of \Sigma\wedge\Sigma\wedge\Sigma circuits.