New Exponential Size Lower Bounds against Depth Four Circuits of Bounded Individual Degree
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Kayal, Saha and Tavenas [Theory of Computing, 2018] showed that for all large enough integers n and d such that d\geq \omega(\log{n}), any syntactic depth four circuit of bounded individual degree \delta = o(d) that computes the Iterated Matrix Multiplication polynomial (IMM_{n,d}) must have size n^{\Omega\left(\sqrt{d/\delta}\right)}. Unfortunately, this bound deteriorates as the value of \delta increases. Further, the bound is superpolynomial only when \delta is o(d). It is natural to ask if the dependence on \delta in the bound could be weakened. Towards this, in an earlier result [STACS, 2020], we showed that for all large enough integers n and d such that d = \Theta(\log^2{n}), any syntactic depth four circuit of bounded individual degree \delta\leq n^{0.2} that computes IMM_{n,d} must have size n^{\Omega(\log{n})}.
In this paper, we make further progress by proving that for all large enough integers n and d, and absolute constants a and b such that \omega(\log^2n)\leq d\leq n^{a}, any syntactic depth four circuit of bounded individual degree \delta\leq n^{b} that computes IMM_{n,d} must have size n^{\Omega(\sqrt{d})}. Our bound is obtained by carefully adapting the proof of Kumar and Saraf [SIAM J. Computing, 2017] to the complexity measure introduced in our earlier work [STACS, 2020].